A highly self-motivated Software Engineer. Eager to learn and apply extensive practices in the fields of Software Development & Computer Science.
Graduated/CGPA: 3.25
A smart Indoor Navigation Assistant that is powered by Bluetooth Low Energy and specialized for visually impaired people. This is my senior year project at METU which is ranked 3rd Place in METU/CENG Demoday2020. Created a developer team of 3 people and lead the team with a Scrum-like framework. Designed and developed modules including backend infrastructure (Containerized Spring Boot in On-Premises Environment), mobile plaftorm (Android) and 3D Mapping (QGIS)infrastructure. For further information; project is present as a GitHub organization.
An online and multiplayer 2D virus shooting game which lets you find your way up to CoronaVirus King by facing some harsh levels as a singleplayer and then lets you defeat the king with matchmaking in multiplayer mode. Game backend is designed & developed using Spring Boot, MVC, Data, Security Frameworks and tested with JUnit. The frontend is developed as a GUI using JavaFX, JFoenix and with Spring Boot. For real-time multiplayer infrastructure of the game, a Peer-to-Peer Architecture is implemented using TCP Sockets. For further information project is present in my GitHub profile.
A Log Watch Tool with Custom Filtering created using syslog-rfc5424-parser and websockets libraries of Python, served with Django on backend, JavaScript/HTML/CSS on frontend and in addition tested with Python’s unittest framework. The app is capable of applying CRUD operations on filtering rules and displaying filtered logs in real-time from multiple sources. For further information; project is present on my GitHub profile.
A playlist maintainer backend written with Spring Framework. Developed it as a last step of my Spring-Workbench and in which I practiced Spring’s Core, Boot, MVC, Data, Hateoas, Security, Test Frameworks and MapStruct, Liquibase, Lombok, Postman, Docker tools. For further information project is present on my GitHub profile.
A multi-user task management application for tracking personal to-do’s within specific to-do lists created using Django on backend and jQuery/HTML/CSS on frontend. For further information; application is present on my GitHub profile.
A multi-user weather application for tracking weather information of specified locations created using OpenWeatherMap API and Django on backend, jQuery/HTML/CSS on frontend. For further information; application is present on my GitHub profile.
Implemented a multihomed and pipelined Reliable Data Transfer Protocol (RDT) over an unreliable channel with Python. Furthermore, created a simple Chatroom (CLI Chat Application) with Python’s SocketServer Framework. For further information; both studies are present on my Github profile.
Apart from technical stuff; I enjoy science, sports, traveling and nature. I also like aviation -- I flied several times with szd-puchacz Gliders and Microlights. Watching documentaries & reading books about history and science fiction are also among my hobbies.